Requirement (a) – Structure, activities and supply chains

Vomar Industries Inc. is a Canadian Corporation that distributes propane in 20lbs and 30lbs cylinders to its retail customers. As the industry is seasonal, Vomar Industries Inc. has approximately 350 employees during the summer months and approximately 275 employees during the winter months. Vomar Industries Inc. also has control over two United States of America corporations that does the exact same propane distribution business model. Tank Traders Missouri Inc. and Tank Traders Midwest Inc. are the two corporations in the United States of America.

Vomar Industries Inc. distribution model includes picking up empty cylinders from its retail customers and exchanging them with full cylinders. The empty cylinders are brought back to a facility to be filled up with propane and the process is repeated. Truck drivers must have certified, valid licenses to handle and deliver the propane and employees filling the cylinders must also have a certified license. Approximately 2.7 million cylinders are filled and delivered annually in Canada with another 900k filled and delivered annually for the two USA corporations.

Vomar Industries Inc. main suppliers are bulk propane companies and one manufacturer of propane cylinders. The bulk propane companies are local propane distributors in Canada and the United States of America for the two USA corporations. Vomar Industries purchases and imports approximately 440k cylinders from a company located in China.

Appendix A is an overview of Vomar Industries Inc. organization by department.


Requirement (b) – Policies and due diligence processes

Vomar Industries Inc. has very strict policies that prohibits the hiring of any individuals under the age of 18. The People and Culture department has this embedded into their hiring and recruitment processes. In addition to this hiring policy, our truck drivers and propane handling employees must have the appropriate licensing and certifications which is provided to individuals over the age of 18. These policy’s, licenses, and certifications are identical for the USA corporations and are administered by the same People and Culture department.



Vomar Industries Inc. also ensures that its suppliers are compliant with the hiring and human resources code of conduct towards forced and child labour. Our suppliers of propane must have the appropriate licensing and certifications that are compliant with the governing laws and regulations. Vomar Industries Inc. ensures our supplier of propane cylinders in China have the same responsible business conduct through regular communication, providing pictures of their operations, visiting their production facility, and signing an attestation that they do not have any forced or child labour practices in their operations or supply chain.


Requirement (c) – Forced labour and child labour risks

Vomar Industries Inc. has assessed the risk of forced or child labour to be very low to none. The majority of our employees and supply chain require skilled, licensed labourers with certifications and have a very large pool of candidates to recruit from. In addition, our internal policies and oversight of our suppliers ensure we have responsible business codes of conduct in place to prevent forced and child labour misconduct.


Requirement (d) – Remediation measures

Vomar Industries Inc. has assessed that the activities and supply chains do not carry a risk of forced labour or child labour being used. As a result, remediation is considered not applicable.


Requirement (e) – Remediation of loss of income

Vomar Industries Inc. has concluded that vulnerable families have not experienced loss of income as a result of steps the entity has taken to eliminate forced labour or child labour risks.


Requirement (f) – Training

All employees of Vomar Industries Inc. and it’s USA corporations are required to annually sign-off on the companies Employee Handbook containing Codes of Conduct. Implemented for 2024 is a section prohibiting the practice of Forced and Child Labour along with our internal hiring and recruitment policy of hiring individual that are 18 years of age or older.


Requirement (g) – Assessing effectiveness

Vomar Industries Inc. has concluded no risk or remediation actions are applicable. As a result, no actions have been taken to assess their effectiveness in preventing and reducing risks of forced labour and child labour in the activities and supply chains.